Durham Cathedral

Atracción | Durham | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

La Catedral de Durham, también conocida como la Catedral de Durham, es una de las atracciones más impresionantes de Inglaterra y un destacado ejemplo de arquitectura normanda. Se eleva majestuosamente sobre la ciudad de Durham, en el noreste del país, en una colina sobre el río Wear, y junto con el cercano castillo forma un sitio del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. La catedral no solo es una obra maestra arquitectónica, sino también un centro espiritual con una historia que se remonta al siglo XI. A menudo se la elogia como una de las catedrales más bellas del mundo y atrae visitantes por su belleza, historia y significado cultural.

La construcción de la catedral comenzó en 1093, poco después de la conquista normanda de Inglaterra, bajo la dirección del obispo Guillermo de St. Calais. Fue construida para albergar las reliquias de San Cuthbert de Lindisfarne, un monje y obispo anglosajón que vivió en el siglo VII y es considerado uno de los santos más importantes del norte de Inglaterra. Tras varias peregrinaciones, los restos mortales de Cuthbert finalmente fueron depositados en Durham, convirtiendo el lugar en un importante centro de peregrinación. Además de Cuthbert, la catedral alberga la tumba del venerable Beda, un destacado erudito del alto Medievo cuyas obras influyeron significativamente en la historia europea.

Arquitectónicamente, la Catedral de Durham es un excelente ejemplo del estilo románico, conocido en Inglaterra como "normando". Su característica más destacada son los masivos pilares en la nave principal, decorados con patrones geométricos, una innovación que luego influiría en el gótico. La nave, que mide casi 62 metros de largo, impresiona por su altura y los robustos arcos de medio punto, transmitiendo una sensación de fuerza y solidez. Es especialmente notable el techo de bóveda de crucería sobre el coro, considerado uno de los primeros de su tipo que marcó la transición a la arquitectura gótica. La torre central, elevada en el siglo XV, ofrece una vista impresionante de la ciudad y del paisaje circundante, mientras que las dos torres occidentales completan la monumental fachada.

La catedral también es conocida por sus elaborados detalles. La llamada "Capilla de Galilea" en el extremo occidental fue añadida en el siglo XII y originalmente sirvió como capilla de la Virgen María. Su fino estilo arquitectónico contrasta con la robusta iglesia principal y muestra influencias de la arquitectura oriental, posiblemente introducidas por el obispo Hugh de Puiset, que tenía vínculos con las cruzadas. Otro punto destacado es el claustro, que con sus elegantes arcos y tranquilo patio interior transmite una sensación de contemplación. Este espacio ha sido ampliado a lo largo de los siglos y ha servido como lugar de trabajo y oración para los monjes del antiguo monasterio.

Además de su importancia arquitectónica, la Catedral de Durham tiene una rica historia cultural. Sobrevivió en gran parte intacta a la disolución de los monasterios bajo Enrique VIII en el siglo XVI y se convirtió en la catedral de la Iglesia Anglicana. En su interior se encuentran valiosos artefactos, como el rico relicario de San Cuthbert, que fue destruido tras la Reforma, pero cuyos restos aún pueden ser visitados. También impresionante es la biblioteca, que conserva una colección de manuscritos medievales que ofrecen una visión de la vida intelectual de la época.

El entorno de la catedral aumenta su atractivo. Situada en una península rodeada por el río Wear, adquiere una aura casi inexpugnable y de estilo fortificado. La vista desde las orillas opuestas o desde las colinas circundantes muestra la catedral en todo su esplendor, especialmente al atardecer, cuando su silueta brilla contra el cielo. Su influencia en la ciudad de Durham es innegable, dando forma al paisaje urbano y siendo el centro de la vida histórica y religiosa.

La Catedral de Durham no solo es un lugar de adoración, sino también un símbolo del desarrollo cultural y espiritual de Inglaterra. Combina historia, arte y fe de manera única y sigue siendo un testimonio vivo del pasado que atrae a visitantes de todo el mundo. Ya sea disfrutando de la tranquilidad del claustro o admirando la impresionante arquitectura, una visita deja una impresión duradera.

Datos de contacto



DH1 3EH Durham

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Domingo12:00 - 16:00
Lunes10:00 - 16:00
Martes10:00 - 16:00
Miércoles10:00 - 16:00
Jueves10:00 - 16:00
Viernes10:00 - 16:00
Sábado10:00 - 16:00


10525 Reseñas

hadeel al-nuaman

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Which was great experience and guide was very helpful
Sebastian Roca

I visited Durham Cathedral on the 8th of September 2024 with my schoolmates on a school trip. It was exquisite and majestic. If I could recall, the history of the cathedral was extensive and the tour advisor really gave an informative tour of the cathedral as it's part of my GCSE course in History, we went through the different sections of the cathedral, all had such an interesting history behind it. The patterns of the cathedral had such an intricate design and it befounded my curious self on how the people of the older era were able to sculpture such design. Visiting this cathedral even without religious intent is such a memorable trip because of how majestic it was. I am very pleased that my school brought me here a few months ago, I pray I can visit again.
Sam Cladingbowl

Sophie Taylor

I was very upset to find out that Durham Cathedral allow dogs into the church building itself. On a recent pilgrimage to the shrines of Sts Cuthbert and Bede we were greeted by many people touring the Cathedral with their dogs in tow! It is clear that this is no longer viewed as a place or worship or pilgrimage! I had an American friend with me who was excited to pray there and venerate these beloved saints for the first time. Unfortunately our visit was ruined by the number of dogs in the Cathedral. I think the Cathedral needs to decide if they are purely a tourist destination or still a sacred site for pilgrimage and worship.
Jason C

Cathedrals always have to be seen with your own eyes pictures never do them justice
Tony Brassell

Loved it. Had an excellent Lego model of the Cathedral on display.
Annette Thorpe

It's an amazing building Free to get in, but donations are welcome You need at least an hour to look around
Sofía Ruiz Luque

The cathedral is beautiful and free. If you’re a Harry Potter fan like me, then you should absolutely visit and feel like you’re at Hogwarts!
Keily Moses

Always loved going here since being a child. So many lovely aspects of history and a very reflective place. I'm not religious at all the architecture is beyond phenomenal.. have also attended events here such as Queen by candlelight and Holocaust memorial service. A must whilst visiting Durham.
Joyce Hodgkiss

Fabulous place very friendly staff coffee shop available food and drink delicious

What a wonderful Cathedral, with such history and architecture. This Durham cathedral also boasts Hollywood fame as Harry Potter and MCU Guardians of the galaxy had scenes filmed here. Wheelchair access is great, has automatic doors and ramps. Though no parking nearby and a massive hill through the center of the city to get to it. Be prepared to be outta energy before you get here.
David Smith

Caught bus from town to cathedral,streets packed with visitors
Ravindu Vishwanath

I visited Durham Cathedral today, and it was amazing! The architecture is stunning, and walking through it felt like being in a Harry Potter Hogwarts scene. The stone carvings, stained glass windows, and peaceful atmosphere made it a magical experience. The views from the tower are breathtaking too. A must-see for anyone visiting the area!
Tracey B

Visited the cathedral during a weekend away with my partner. This is a great place to visit for people of varying interests-religion, movies (Harry Potter, Avengers), and if you love beautiful architecture. We found the staff and volunteers to be super friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. We did the tower walk up 325 stone steps! As expected this was tiring but worth it for the views. Afterwards, we browsed the great gift shop and had a pot of tea and a sweet treat (jam and cream scone and a caramel slice) both were delicious and reasonably priced. We ended up spending over 3 hours at the cathedral, which surprised us as we thought 2 hours max. Would recommend to everyone visiting Durham.
Victoria Hall

Beautiful setting for Radiohead tribute.
Jeff Forsythe

our best visit to the Cathedral, there wasn't any services on or choir practices on this occasion so we were able to see so much more of the building than ever before, amazing stained glass windows etc. The Cloisters were used in Harry Potter films and another area for Dame Maggie Smith as Professor McGonagall's classroom so worth a visit for any Potter fans
Callum Banks

There once stood a grand, mighty spire, A sight to make pilgrims aspire. With stone, old and grey, It keeps time at bay, And its bells never seem to tire. Through the gate and the courtyard I strode, Up the steps where the faithful have toed. The great doors swung wide, And I stepped on inside, To a silence that lightened my load. The columns stood lofty and proud, Their arches like waves in a shroud. Each echoing sound Seemed sacred, profound, As if whispered by saints in a crowd. The windows, with color so bright, Set the nave all ablaze with their light. As sunbeams did dance, I stood in a trance, Caught up in the majesty’s might. By the tomb of Saint Cuthbert I kneeled, Where centuries' prayers have been sealed. With relics so old, And legends oft told, His presence is strangely revealed. Then up to the tower I went, (Though breathless, I climbed with intent). From the top I could see The land and the sea, And I knew that my time was well spent. So if ever to Durham you stray, Where the Wear gently winds on its way, Find your way to this keep, Where the angels still weep, And the past never fades to decay. I also bought a really nice fridge magnet.


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